Thursday, May 19, 2011

There is a light

There's a light at the end of the tunnel; however, every time I hear the phrase "there's a light," my mind automatically goes to Rocky Horror Picture Show and the light over at the Frankenstein place, and then eventually I'm singing Janet's part in "Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me" and thinking how weird it is that Rocky went on to be that guy in Coach.

The previous paragraph is fairly representative of the state of my mind over the past few weeks.  After a year of working and worrying over the yearbook, the distribution/dedication ceremony came and went, and it feels strange to come home at night with no major event to plan.  Not that I'm saying that I'm ready to start all over--trust me, I'll very much enjoy my break--but after so many months of insanity, I'm not sure I remember how to function normally.  There are still things to take care of (grading, money issues, etc...), but the bulk of the work is done, and I couldn't be prouder of what my staff accomplished this year. 

I'm in a holding pattern for grad school right now  and am waiting for the summer semester to begin.  My Capstone is officially underway, and while I should have spent the past few months outlining my novel, I've only managed to write three quarters of the second draft of a short story.  I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that by this December, I should have the majority of a novel written.  It's daunting to think of the amount of work to be accomplished within the coming months, but while I have major butterflies in my tummy, there's a larger part of me that's fairly panting after the opportunity to get this thing started.

Looks like I'll be participating in NaNoWriMo's Summer Camp as a method of motivation and support.  If you've never heard of NaNo, and you're an aspiring writer, you should check it out. 

Now, I'm off to read the newest novel I downloaded to my brand new Kindle.


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