Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An Insight Into The Shining

I'm starting to understand Jack Torrance's--you know "All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy, The Shining, etc...--little side trip to crazy town.  Excessive amounts of snow will do that to a person. 

On Sunday night, 6 inches of snow fell.  In Georgia.  Where the most snow we ever see is a powder sugar like dusting of flurries that are gone the next day.  And we all ooh and ahh over how pretty it is, and the neighborhood kids go out and destroy the beauty while trying take pack together the saddest little snowman you have ever seen. 

But Snowmageddon 2011 was different.  We knew it was coming.  It was all the local weather stations could talk about for a week in advance.  Justin and I ventured out to Wal-Mart on Saturday, and it was the biggest mistake of my life.  Have you ever been charged by a veritable wildebeest of a woman because she thinks you are grabbing the very last package of powdered donuts, when actually you are grabbing a loaf of Sara Lee's 45 Calories and Delightful Multigrain Bread?  The vision still haunts me. 

Anyway, we have been stuck in the house for the past four days, and there is no end/thaw in sight.  If I don't get out of this house soon, there is guaranteed to be an absolute storm of hormonal shouting, crying, and whining.  If I have to eat ONE more sandwich, I might have a little come to Jesus up at Hillshire Farms.  Of course they would put just the right amount of meat in the container that guarantees if I don't consume it in three-four days, it WILL go bad, and I'll curse myself for wasting money.  You remember that massive comissary in The Shining?  I feel like that's the only type of food I have in my house.  That of the canned and frozen variety.  I DESIRE FRESH VEGETABLES!!  And a hamburger from Five Guys. 

Thank GOD there was enough coffee and creamer and Sweet N' Low to get us through. 

All in all, I'm feeling rather dour.  My students are almost a week behind, and while sleeping in is great, making up for lost time is not so great.  Every time I look at the vast expanse of white outside of my window,  I feel like crying.  This Georgia girl is not equipped to handle the winter months.  Period.   Actual accumulated snow and ice-coated roads that stick around for a few days are another story.  Peaches don't thrive in ice, ya'll. 

Let's not even get started on my motivation.  I started out strong.  I finished a short story and submitted it to Glimmer Train.  Hooray!  But after a winter walk with my husband, a fantastic new story idea came to me, and instead of rushing right into the house and getting to work, I've done everything but work on it.  Maybe today??  Doubtful. 

Oh. My. God.  I just looked out the window.  It's snowing again.  Thank goodness we don't keep an axe in the house.  And if I start seeing creepy little twin girls, I promise to call someone.


  1. Caught your blog through a mutual google fan we have, and I really enjoyed reading it, although I'm not familiar with anyone in it. You have a great writing voice, and it's refreshing to read amongst the loads of crap stinking up the blog world today.

    Kudos, from a fellow writer.
