Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Power of Radio & NaNoWriMo

An enormous thank you to Cocktails with Patrick for pimping my blog yesterday.  My lil' ole blog got close to three hundred hits in the span of three hours!  To those of you who visited yesterday, I hope that you enjoyed reading! 
NaNoWriMo is fully underway (if you don't know what that is, check it out here), and I spent a good chunk of my night in front of my computer furiously typing the mandatory 1,667 daily word count.  I was excited about the entire writing process for about fifteen minutes, and then that witch of an internal critic kicked in with things like, "Whom do you think you're kidding writing a novel?  Read over what you just wrote.  Seriously, who would EVER want to read that?"  and I promptly broke into the cold sweats of a recovering alcoholic, shut my computer, and cried for awhile.  This is what she looks like in my head. 

And she speaks in a horrifically elevated form of the Queen's English and smells like a combination of death and Chanel No. 5.  I'm hoping that since she's so old that at some point she'll finally keel over...maybe choke on a scone or something.  

I know that the entire NaNoWriMo process is supposed to be about shutting off the critic and not constantly judging what you've written.  "It's about quantity, not quality," they say, but since I actually want to DO something with this manuscript (you know like sell the thing when it's finished), I can't bring myself to let go of the quantity over quality ideaology. 

And it's just day two of the month long process.


  1. P.S. I love your new header! You look like a writer in this space..LOL!

  2. I don't know what happened to the first comment. Anyway, let me try this again.

    I know you can do it Kristi! Keep going. You are a writer which means that you are gifted and you have a purpose to share an aspect of life through your humor and truth. So, I say write on. Who cares about that critic. She is only a thought and the beautiful thing about thoughts is that you can say, dissipate!

    So, I say write on my sistah, write one! I'm behind you and support you from one writer to another.

  3. SO excited to read your adventure through NaNoWirMo! I know it will be so amazingly good - as your stuff always is.

  4. Thanks Melissa and Vickie! This has been an especially difficult week. With my grandmother's passing on Saturday, it's been hard to find the time to do much of anything. I appreciate the kind words!
